Age: 13Localisation: Alsace Humeur: Toujours de bonne humeur sur ce site ^^
Sujet: Re: ABC des prénoms féminins Mar 6 Avr - 21:59
_____________________ Look at me, I am just here, just in front of you.
But why don't you see me ? Look...
I want to say you "Saranghaeyo". But can you heard me ?
[You're the one that I live for...]
Age: 13Localisation: Alsace Humeur: Toujours de bonne humeur sur ce site ^^
Sujet: Re: ABC des prénoms féminins Mer 7 Avr - 10:01
_____________________ Look at me, I am just here, just in front of you.
But why don't you see me ? Look...
I want to say you "Saranghaeyo". But can you heard me ?
[You're the one that I live for...]
Age: 13Localisation: Alsace Humeur: Toujours de bonne humeur sur ce site ^^
Sujet: Re: ABC des prénoms féminins Mer 7 Avr - 11:17
_____________________ Look at me, I am just here, just in front of you.
But why don't you see me ? Look...
I want to say you "Saranghaeyo". But can you heard me ?
[You're the one that I live for...]