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 English Topic

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MessageSujet: Re: English Topic   Sam 25 Juin - 12:11

Is there anybody here ? I felt I wanted to talk in this topic again. I kinda miss it! ^^'
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Féminin Age: 20
Localisation: Montpellier
Drama préféré: Bad Guy

MessageSujet: Re: English Topic   Ven 22 Juil - 17:43

Really an English topic??
This is fun ^^
Great idea
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Féminin Age: 21
Localisation: Brest
Emploi/loisirs: L3 d'Anglais
Drama préféré: Capital Scandal !
Humeur: J'ai ma licence, j'ai ma licence ! *o*

MessageSujet: Re: English Topic   Ven 22 Juil - 23:45

Ok, let's revive this thread !

So~ I'm a bit excited as I've just received a mail from the British Council confirming that my file (to be a French assistant in British schools) has been accepted by a Welsh school *o* I mean, I knew I was accepted as the person in charge of the program called me, but she was French, now I have the confirmation from the British authorities ! This makes the whole thing even more real ! *__*
So now I just have to wait for more information and details. According to the British Council, I'll probably get in touch with the said school towards the end of July... can't wait ! ^^

And to speak about something else, work was fun today, I got the chance to talk with English customers.
It's quite funny because each time German or English people come to our crêperie (quite often in fact), my colleague is like "euh attendez I don't speak English...." and then I hear something like "Sophiiiiiie viens m'aider !" ou "Sophie, ceux-là ils sont pour toi" haha !
But let's be honest, the most interesting for us is that foreigners ALWAYS give us big tips :32:It's normal for them. I remember that when I went to NY with my school, we had to give waiters and waitresses 10% of the bill ! This is huuuge ! Back then I was a bit reluctant to give my money, now checking whether we get tips is the fisrt thing I do when customers pay XD Yeah i know, this is not something you brag about XD

Ok, enough talking ! Whose turn now ? :p


~?~ Merci ma Marlou ~?~
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Féminin Age: 19
Localisation: MARSEILLE______Bollywood world - Salman's heart ^^
Emploi/loisirs: Trop compliquée mdr
Humeur: PAGALSKYZOPHRENIQUE ( pagal = folle )

MessageSujet: Re: English Topic   Hier à 16:13

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Congratulations Laikkkk unni !!!!! I'm so happy for you !!! I guess how happy you are; even me i want to work in a country wich english is spoken, i hope it'll come true one day, may be ... incha'ALLAH ... / Loool i work at Quick and the same thing happens with me concerning foreigners who can't speak french ... I might be on the other side of the restaurant, i always hear "Mouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu niaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa y a tes amis ... Mouuuuu niaaaaaaa viiiteeeee " loool it's something funny :) Anyway, i'm happy for you unni !!!!

'est Mon Mien ^^ ! ?

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Féminin Age: 34
Localisation: Seine-Maritime
Drama préféré: BAD LOVE
Humeur: Enfin en vacance ^^ donc heureuse de chez heureuse

MessageSujet: Re: English Topic   Aujourd'hui à 0:47

Ohhhhh my god my friends i speak english very very... heu bad ^^ just said i like drama and i love Kwon sang woo :54:I m so sorry i m so sad .... :16:
bye i like you so much Asia smile

PS: pff it s so hard ... really really for me
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English Topic

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